
A partnership between Smilers® and your dentist or orthodontist

Separateur vert – aligneurs transparents Smilers®

Once you’ve had your initial appointment with your Smilers® dentist or orthodontist, and they have confirmed that orthodontic treatment with aligners is possible in your case, the physical or digital impression of your teeth is sent to Smilers® at Salon-de-Provence.

Your treatment plan will be drawn up by your dentist or orthodontist working in partnership with the Smilers® orthodontists. Thanks to this combined expertise, the treatment provided is personalised and tailored to your morphology.

Every step of the teeth alignment scenario is put together, with a clear aligner corresponding to each step. Each step corresponds to a clear aligner, which applies gentle mechanical forces to move your teeth.

The Smilers® Story, a video simulating your orthodontic treatment plan, is produced. The video is sent to your practitioner for you to approve the entire treatment plan.*

* The result cannot be guaranteed by Smilers® and will always depend on whether the patient follows the instructions on how to wear and maintain the aligners, and variations in human biology from one individual and another. Sometimes, additional phases may be needed.


A partnership between Smilers® and your dentist or orthodontist

Separateur vert – aligneurs transparents Smilers®

Once you’ve had your initial appointment with your Smilers® dentist or orthodontist, and they have confirmed that orthodontic treatment with aligners is possible in your case, the physical or digital impression of your teeth is sent to Smilers® at Salon-de-Provence.

Your treatment planwill be drawn up by your dentist or orthodontist working in partnership with the Smilers® orthodontists.Thanks to this combined expertise, the treatment provided is personalised and tailored to your morphology.

cabinet dentaire

Every step of the teeth alignment scenario is put together, with a clear aligner corresponding to each step. This clear aligner uses gentle mechanical forces to displace certain teeth until the next step.

The Smilers® Story, a video simulating your orthodontic treatment plan, is produced. The video is sent to your practitioner for you to approve the entire treatment plan.*

* The result cannot be guaranteed by Smilers® and will always depend on whether the patient follows the instructions on how to wear and maintain the aligners, and variations in human biology from one individual and another. Sometimes, additional phases may be needed.

The manufacturing process of Smilers® dental aligners

Separateur gold – aligneurs transparents Smilers®

Once the orthodontic treatment plan has been finalised and validated by you and your practitioner, the retainer is made. This is done in our factory at Salon-de-Provence.

Thanks to our expertise acquired over many years in the aerospace and motor racing sectors, we currently use our stereolithographic 3D printing technique.

This additive production method is what produces the smooth and clear aligners.

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Separateur vert – aligneurs transparents Smilers®

It is possible to perform every dental movement with aligners. This process can be accelerated (thereby minimising the number of aligners and the duration of treatment) by incorporating attachments in your treatment plan.

Attachments are small ridges made of a composite material which are placed on your teeth in order to exert a particular force. They are tooth-coloured and are therefore almost invisible. Given the personalised nature of the orthodontic treatment, they can be shaped in various ways to suit your needs as well as the type of movement that is to be performed.

A properly-managed stripping process that preserves the enamel of your teeth

Separateur gold – aligneurs transparents Smilers®

In order to free up space so that the aligners can make certain movements, it may be necessary to include an inter-proximal reduction of the enamel, or stripping procedure, in your treatment plan.

Your practitioner will trim the sides of some of your teeth in order to free up a space of a few tenths of a millimetre.

This practice is painless and Smilers®, a company that respects the values of medicine,does everything it can to ensure that the treatment performed respects the integrity of your teeth and their enamel. With us, stripping is properly managed and kept to a minimum.